
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Contraception Mandate

"Is the new “contraceptive” mandate indispensable for the well-being of women? No. However, the regulation’s repeal is indispensable for the employers with conscientious objections to some or all “FDA-approved contraceptives” and the employees who depend on those employers for benefits"

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The many lies of Planned Parenthood

"The billion-dollar abortion giant blatantly lies about basic biology and human development, peer-reviewed medical studies on birth control’s increased risk of breast cancer, overpopulation, and deliberate racial targeting. But the pathological lying, fed by billions of our tax dollars over the years, knows no end."

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Must See Video!

Obama Admin promotes contraception and abortion for victims of human trafficking?

"Supporters of the U.S. bishops’ program contend that the government should respect the religious freedom of the Church agency to adhere to its faith-based mission. Further, a former director of the HHS trafficking-victim services program asserts that contraceptive services may actually facilitate coercive prostitution.

Steve Wagner, the director of the human-trafficking program at the Department of Health and Human Services from 2003-2006, argues that it’s counterproductive to provide family-planning services for victims of sex trafficking — the majority of whom are juveniles.

“A lot of sensible people would say that providing contraception to trafficking victims is sustaining prostitution,” said Wagner, who designed the groundbreaking initiative managed by the USCCB for the past five years. He said it was important to distinguish between people who have been victims and those who remain under the control of traffickers.

“Victims being trafficked right now cannot provide informed consent to an abortion or a regime of contraception because they are under the control of a trafficker. If you do provide these services, all you are doing is perpetuating modern-day sex slavery,” charged Wagner.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Evil never sleeps!

"HR 358, the Protect Life Act, would prevent federal tax dollars from funding any health plan that covers abortion, except when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, or is threatening the mother’s life. It also strengthens the conscience rights of health care workers and institutions to reject abortion training, procedures, or referrals."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Harrisburg Happenings

S.B. 732 should now be approved by the House and returned to the Senate for their approval.  It calls for abortion companies to be regulated by the Pa. Dept. of Health in the same manner as other ambulatory surgical facilities.  Contact your House Member and particularly your State Senator.  This measure will save many mothers and children from the violence of abortion.  The abortion industry is using all of its considerable capital to defeat or weaken it. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Catholic Health Care

“Under the new rule our institutions would be free to act in accord with Catholic teaching on life and procreation only if they were to stop hiring and serving non-Catholics,” Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, chairman of the U.S. bishops' pro-life committee, said Aug. 1.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Another State De-funds PP

“The taxpayers have made it very clear that they do not want one cent going towards the funding of abortions, either directly or indirectly,” Smith said. “Not to mention, it is obscene how much of PPNNE’s current revenue of $18 million is earmarked for things like overhead costs, salaries, marketing, and public policy advocacy. New Hampshire women deserve better than a “non-profit” that would deny women health services because they value administrative costs and political power above patient care.”

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The ongoing attack on Crisis Pregnancy Centers.

As one abortion rights activist famously declared, “The fetus beat us.” When the fetus is seen for what it really is, the mother has a much harder time deciding to abort it. Crisis pregnancy centers generally offer a variety of services, ranging from counseling and adoption services to medical care and support for new mothers. All this is too much for the abortion industry, which rightly sees crisis pregnancy centers as their increasingly powerful opposition.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Devastating Reality of Choice

A fascinating article on choice, abortion and control. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The cost of the breakdown of the Family.

In Philadelphia, 64% of children are born to single-parents.  These children are often raised in poverty and they  don't have the guidance of a father.  So, we have chaos in City and our City leaders scrambling to find solutions.  The solution is to support the family, not promote policies that undermine the role of the family in the world.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pro-Life T-shirts bar Crossroads walkers from Montreal basilica

"the priest, like the guards before him, insisted that the pro-life T-shirts were political and thus forbidden."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer Witness for Life on Friday

Summer Witness

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Top paid Planned Parenthood abortionist suspended in California over alcohol abuse

Think about it,” said Daleiden. “The highest-paid, star abortionist at the biggest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country is a stoner and a lush who has a long history of medical malpractice. How bad must all the other ones be?”

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Washington Post Runs Positive Story on Late-Term Abortionist

"[The Washington Post] ...painted Carhart as a doctor who mercifully is sparing unborn babies from the fate of being born with 'anomalies'."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My sin...not yours

"Why would these women have abortions? Don’t they know it is wrong? Sure they do. Why do we all sin? Why do you sin? We justify it. We rationalize it. We think we just HAVE to. We make sense of it. And are we talking about it? Nope, not really."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The War on Women

"In a society that worships self-autonomy over all else, when we get what we want, we discover we can’t live with it."

Friday, July 15, 2011

Allentown abortion "clinic" violations

"Simply put, the current law favors the abortion industry, not women’s health."

Thursday, June 30, 2011

On Marriage

"Gay marriage is a distraction. The country depends on traditional marriage."

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Harrisburg Update

Harrisburg Update
On Monday, June 6, 2011, the Pa. Senate voted to defeat the “Leach Amendment (LA) to S.B. 3 by a vote of 33-16. S.B. 3 seeks to prevent abortion subsidies in the Obamacare Pa. exchange, scheduled to take effect in 2014. The LA would have gutted the effectiveness of S.B. 3. Thus, the pro-life vote on the LA was no.
On Tuesday, June 7, 2011, the Pa. Senate passed S.B. 3 by a vote of 37-12. The pro-life vote on S.B. was yes. I am attaching a roll call report on both votes. Please note that any Senator who voted for the Leach Amendment and thus for the final passage of S.B. 3 is attempting to “be on both sides” of the abortion funding in Obamacare issue.
On Wednesday, June 8, 2011, the Pa. Senate, by a 31-18 vote, passed the “Mensch Amendment” (MA) to S.B. 732, which is abortion facility regulation legislation. The MA significantly toughens S.B. 732 by requiring any abortion facility to meet Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (ASF) standards if abortions are committed after nine weeks gestation at that abortion chamber. Prior to the passage of the MA, pro-abortion leader, Sen. Patricia Vance, offered the “Vance Amendment” (VA) to dilute the effectiveness of the MA by only requiring abortion chambers to meet ASF standards if they committed abortions after 14 weeks gestation. The pro-life vote on the VA was no. The Pa. Senate defeated the VA by a 29-20 vote. Challenges Remain to the Final Passage of S.B. 732 The Pa. Senate has scheduled a vote on the final passage of S.B. 732 for Monday, June 13, 2011. The pro-life vote on final passage of S.B. 732 with the MA is yes. Some pro-abortion Senators are likely to offer additional weakening amendments. The pro-life vote on all these amendment is no. It is very unlikely that any of these additional weakening amendments will pass. However…, a serious concern does exist about an amendment that Sen. Patrick Browne (who voted pro-life on all four votes) is considering to offer. His amendment would require “a study” to be done on the impact that S.B. 732 would have on abortion facilities in Pa. between the time of final passage and its scheduled implementation 180 days later. This is a harmful amendment. The Pa. abortion industry would largely determine the outcome of this “study” and its results would very likely aid the certain court challenge to be brought by Pa.’s abortion industry to any new abortion facility regulation legislation. Please contact Sen. Patrick Browne (at 717-787-1349); and urge him not to offer his “study amendment” to S.B. 732. This proposed legislation next goes to the Pa. House Health Committee, which has a pro-life Chairman (Rep. Matt Baker) and a pro-life majority. The representatives and leaders in the Pa. pro-life movement all agree that S.B. 3 is good legislation and should be passed in its current form. Therefore, we should urge Rep. Baker (717-772-5371; to pass this legislation from this committee as soon as possible. We should then urge pro-life House Majority Leader, Rep. Mike Turzai (717-772-9943; to schedule a vote on S.B. 3 in the full House as soon as possible so S.B. 3 will be sent to Gov. Corbett (who has pledged to sign it) prior to the Pa. House recessing for “Summer Break,” which is currently scheduled for June 29, 2011.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Call Tom Corbett

We all recall with horror the details of the Gosnell case here in Philadelphia. With outrage, our officials decried the events and called for change. Most specifically, a call was made to require Abortion Facilities meet the same standards as the Ambulatory Surgical Facilities. Senate Bill 732 with the Mensch Amendment would accomplish this crucial goal and would give women facing abortion some protection. There have been some "stumbles" during the proceedings and pro-life activisits should contact Gov. Corbett and State Senators and support for SB 732 with the Mensch Amendment. A Vote is scheduled on Monday June 6, 2011. Please urge your State Senator to support the Mensch Amendment. Also, please contact the Gov. at 717-772-9048 or via email at: The message is simple: " Gov. Corbett, we want strong abortion facility regulation passed as soon as possible. We want your office to support such legislation and not to unnecessarily delay it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Abortion and Us

While Dr. Gosnell was an exception in the filthiness of his facility and the brazenness of his law-breaking, his attitude toward abortion was no aberration. It was the logical consequence of the pro-choice argument. What the pro-choice movement really means by choice is that the woman has the power to choose when the life within her matters. Since these women who sought help from Gosnell did not want their babies, no matter how old or viable they were apart from their mothers, those babies' lives counted for nothing.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Saving Lives - A reflection by Laura

Tday, on an undescript, dreary Friday morning, in a tiny back alley, we witnessed a miraacle. A miracle unnoticed, unperceived by the cars whizzing past, the pedestrians hurrying with their umbrellas held high. a miracle undetected by the whole world save for the group of five pray-ers and counsellors priveliged enough to be standing vigil. Today, a couple heard the voice of God, changed their minds, and left the clinic. What a privelige, what an indescribable privelige it is to be part of God's salvific plan. What a completely undeserved honor it is to be given the opportunity to bear witness to His glory. What a sign of his inexhaustible mercy that we should benefit so much, that we should be the recipients of such a generous outpouring of Graces, by merely co-operating with His holy and divine will. How many miracles, how many conversions are taking place around us, every day, that we are too busy to see? how many lives are being changed by the loving hand of God when we are too proud, too self-concerned, too preoccupied to notice? How much beauty is wasted because we choose to remain in the presence of ourselves instead of flinging ourselves with complete abandon into the presence of God? Today, let us fling ourselves unreservedly into the loving presence of the Triune God. Let us make one offering of self-sacrifice, one declaration of renunciation of self-will, for the mother and father who turned from the path of destruction to the path of life, and for their unborn child. Let us offer our prayers, in imitation of Simon of Cyrene, that we might help them carry their Cross and persevere onwards. My tiny feeble words fail to express how much I am in awe of God right now. Glory to him for all things!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Want to Stop Abortion, Racism and Bigotry? De-Fund Planned Parenthood |

Want to Stop Abortion, Racism and Bigotry? De-Fund Planned Parenthood "We also know that Planned Parenthood is — first, last, and always — an abortion organization. Its abortionists committed 337 thousand abortions in 2009, or more than one in every four abortions performed in the U.S. over the course of that same year. Of every 100 pregnant women who walk into a Planned Parenthood clinic, 98 leave with empty wombs."

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Defund PP - Contact Your Rep.

Another great piece by Michelle Malkin. She gives a real picture of Planned Parenthood. Whatever we can do to stop PP should be done! Currently, there are two pieces of legislation that are critical to the pro-life cause. HR 217: Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act. This would prohibit agencies like PP from receiving federal family planning funds. Who hasn't signed on as a co-sponsor in our area? If you see his name below, please contact and ask him to co-sponsor. Charles Dent: 202-225-6411 James Gerlach: 202-225-4315 Tim Holden: 202-225-5546 Mike Fitzpatrick: 202-225-4276 Patrick Meehan: 202-225-2011 HR 3: No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. Would prohibit tax-payer funding of abortion. Who hasn't signed onto this piece of legislation? If your rep's name appears, contact him today! Patrick Meehan: 202-225-2011 Charles Dent: 202-225-6411 Tim Holden: 202-225-5546

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Question of Life & Law

We encourage DA Seth Williams to do all he can to prosecute Gosnell. This article poses an important question one that we ask as well, "In the Gosnell prosecution, Philadelphia district attorney R. Seth Williams has a choice. Does he go forward with the 33 counts of “illegal late-term abortion” (a fraction of the actual number of such abortions Gosnell performed, but all that can be solidly proven under a two-year statute of limitations) — as well as the eight murder charges? Or does he quietly drop them?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Roe at 38

"But the objective injustice of abortion lies in the deliberate killing of a human being acting peaceably, and that injustice is identical regardless of the being’s age."

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Abortion in New York City...

We join the pro-lifers in NYC to lament the horrific abortion numbers. Nearly half of the children in NYC are being killed by abortion - what a tragedy. The Pennsylvania numbers were also released this week. They can be found on our Website and also of the Pa Health Department Website.