
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Saving Lives - A reflection by Laura

Tday, on an undescript, dreary Friday morning, in a tiny back alley, we witnessed a miraacle. A miracle unnoticed, unperceived by the cars whizzing past, the pedestrians hurrying with their umbrellas held high. a miracle undetected by the whole world save for the group of five pray-ers and counsellors priveliged enough to be standing vigil. Today, a couple heard the voice of God, changed their minds, and left the clinic. What a privelige, what an indescribable privelige it is to be part of God's salvific plan. What a completely undeserved honor it is to be given the opportunity to bear witness to His glory. What a sign of his inexhaustible mercy that we should benefit so much, that we should be the recipients of such a generous outpouring of Graces, by merely co-operating with His holy and divine will. How many miracles, how many conversions are taking place around us, every day, that we are too busy to see? how many lives are being changed by the loving hand of God when we are too proud, too self-concerned, too preoccupied to notice? How much beauty is wasted because we choose to remain in the presence of ourselves instead of flinging ourselves with complete abandon into the presence of God? Today, let us fling ourselves unreservedly into the loving presence of the Triune God. Let us make one offering of self-sacrifice, one declaration of renunciation of self-will, for the mother and father who turned from the path of destruction to the path of life, and for their unborn child. Let us offer our prayers, in imitation of Simon of Cyrene, that we might help them carry their Cross and persevere onwards. My tiny feeble words fail to express how much I am in awe of God right now. Glory to him for all things!

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