
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Defund PP - Contact Your Rep.

Another great piece by Michelle Malkin. She gives a real picture of Planned Parenthood. Whatever we can do to stop PP should be done! Currently, there are two pieces of legislation that are critical to the pro-life cause. HR 217: Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act. This would prohibit agencies like PP from receiving federal family planning funds. Who hasn't signed on as a co-sponsor in our area? If you see his name below, please contact and ask him to co-sponsor. Charles Dent: 202-225-6411 James Gerlach: 202-225-4315 Tim Holden: 202-225-5546 Mike Fitzpatrick: 202-225-4276 Patrick Meehan: 202-225-2011 HR 3: No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. Would prohibit tax-payer funding of abortion. Who hasn't signed onto this piece of legislation? If your rep's name appears, contact him today! Patrick Meehan: 202-225-2011 Charles Dent: 202-225-6411 Tim Holden: 202-225-5546

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