
Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Health Care Battle

In the wake of the defeat of the Nelson Amendment on Dec. 8, 2009 defeating cloture has become the only viable way for the pro-life movement to defeat this abortion-laden HCR bill in the U.S. Senate. While we might defeat cloture without Casey’s vote against cloture, obtaining his vote would almost certainly defeat cloture. Also, while Casey’s preliminary indications are that he is not inclined to oppose cloture over the “abortion issue,” he claims to be “pro-life” and has cast some pro-life votes on this HCR legislation. Thus, it is most crucial and worthwhile to make some renewed efforts to persuade Sen. Casey to oppose cloture. Please call Senator Csaey at 215-405-9660 and tell him to Vote no on "cloture"

Friday, November 6, 2009

Stop Pelosi Care

You stopped Congress from steamrolling forward on this legislation last summer, so it's time to do it again this week! Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thank God for the Pro-Life Dems

In the face of what will likely be a bitter David and Goliath struggle, Stupak told LSN, "Well, we're under a lot of pressure, but it goes with the territory." He added that several dozen of his Democrat colleagues have upheld the pro-life cause as "a principle we've always stood on, and we're not ready to drop that principle now in the name of health care."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Abortion is not Healthcare!

Federal Health Care Our families are at risk…. Senator Casey needs to hear from you. Call Sen. Casey now - 215-405-9660 ABORTION IS NOT HEALTHCARE!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Truth about Abortion & Health Care

Kathryn Jean Lopez, of National Review, cuts through the rhetoric and points out that unles abortion is excluded from any Health Care Reform Plan, it will be included. Taxpayers will pay for abortions. Pro-Life people must fight back against this abuse - Call Senator Casey - ask him to exclude abortion from Health Care Reform.

Friday, October 9, 2009

More new on the Pill

The Pill has changed us and hurt our society. Isn't time for doctors and women to re-evaluate how hormonal contraceptives are effecting our bodies?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Root of Abortion

This great article explores the underlying cause of abortion - the sexual revolution. Pro-Life Americans understand that a return to chastity - purity in thoughts, words & actions - is critical to the success of our movement.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Our Environment & The Birth Control Pill

Clearly, the effects of the synthetic estrogens from the Pill and other drugs are having a fightening impact on our environment. Imagine the damage women are doing to their own bodies while taking the Birth Control Pill and hormonal contraceptives. Pro-life people have advocated for a better understanding of a woman's fertility and have promoted Natural Fertility Awareness to women & the medical profession. We believe that our fertility is a gift, not a disease to be treated with synthetic drugs that can & do damage to women's health.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Abortion, The Pill & Breast Cancer

A great read on Lifesite News ~ again sharing information that is critical for women.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


The Catholic Key Blogspot does a great job in this post detailing & linking to various statements from Bishops throughout the US. These outspoken leaders note the dangers posed to the sick, elderly and the unborn in the currently proposed plans. Another question for Americans to consider is whether they want the Federal Government to be controlling so many aspects of our lives!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Religion, Obama & Healthcare

Mona Charen on Obama invoking religion to forward the Health Care "Reform" Legislation.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Meeting with Joe Pitts

At a recent meeting in West Chester, PA Rep. Joe Pitts summarized a few of the dangers of Health Care Reform as it stands. One of the attendees made the following points: 1— New health care costs will add to the trillions of dollars already laid out as debts to be set on the backs of our children and grandchildren---READ—lives of servitude and taxation 2---Every Abortion will be paid for by YOU the taxpayer—conscience objection is irrelevant--- 600 Catholic Hospitals serving 90 million patients annually WILL BE included 3—Rationed health care is unavoidable. The elderly, marginalized and chronically ill will be made vulnerable to whim of government 4---Taxation-Penalties will be imposed on employers who do not conform to government standards 5---By owning health care, government will control additional 17% of GDP, this on top of already owning BANKING, AUTO INDUSTRY, HOUSING, ETC WHAT CAN WE DO? BE INNOVATIVE USE YOUR VOICE, YOUR RESOURCES OF TIME AND TALENT, YOUR RIGHTS!! REFLECT ON THE 1773 BOSTON TEA PARTY Be visible, be out on the street, be an organizer, be an evangelizer. BE PERSISTANT---BE PERSISTANT – BE PERSISTANT(EMPHASIZED comment from Rep Jos. R. Pitts ) BE NOT AFRAID (from Pope John Paul

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More on Obama Care

"ObamaCare" also poses grave threats to the elderly, sick and terminally ill. This commentary by Patrick Buchanan clearly shows what we are facing. Act now! The Healthcare Debate continues and pro-life Americans must reflect upon the many dangerous aspects of the proposed plans. Americans also must contact their Congressman ( and Senators ( demanding that abortion & contraceptive services be explicityly removed from any legislation.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Health Care Reform?

Please Urge Sen. Casey To Oppose The Pro-Abortion “Health Care Plans" All of the “Health Care Plans” currently before Congress would - force all private health insurance plans and a newly created federal health insurance plan to pay for all abortions - create a de facto “federal right to abortion,” i.e., be a de facto enactment of the “Freedom of Choice Act” - eliminate all existing federal and state conscience protections for doctors and other healthcare workers who refuse to participate in abortions. These “Health Care Plans” would punish such doctors and other healthcare workers by eliminating their access to patients. For additional information on the evils of these “Health Care Plans,” visit or, or contact our office. A viable way to stop these plans is by a filibuster in the U.S. Senate. Sen. Casey’s support for such a filibuster would almost certainly guarantee its success. Please Contact Sen. Casey As Soon As Possible Please contact U.S. Sen. Robert P. Casey, Jr. as soon as possible and urge him to support a filibuster against any “Health Care Plan” unless it explicitly excludes coverage for abortion and protects the conscience rights of doctors and other healthcare workers. Please continue to contact Sen. Casey until he makes this commitment. Sen. Casey’s contact information is 383 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510; 202-224-6324 or 215-405-9660 or by e-mail by visiting We also recommend that you contact your local U.S. Rep. and Sen. Specter with this same message. The U.S. Capitol Switchboard is 202-224-3121. Nevertheless, we are emphasizing Sen. Casey because he claims to be “pro-life” and, because of the filibuster, only 41 votes in the U.S. Senate are needed to defeat these plans.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

More on Defunding PP

DE-Funding Planned Parenthood

We thank Rep. Mike Pence for his courage. Americans believe in the sanctity of Life and do not want their money to go to teh nation's largest abortion business in our country. Sadly, every year PP recieves Title X funding, and until this funding ceases, the abortion business will prosper.This action by Mike Pence is to be applauded. Please contact your Representative.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Obama & Company admit that abortion will be included in any Healthcare Reform Plan. Americans must fight this great injustice by letting public officials including the White House know that ABORTION is NOT Healthcare. To contact your PA Senators please visit

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Join the Pro-Life Union at Independence Hall. The Independence Hall Tea Party group is hosting a Picnic and The Union will be there to share the Pro-Life message with our fellow citizens. Come & join us from Noon until 3pm - We will have a display table with literature & items for distribution! This piece will inspire all of us to do our part to work to restore legal protection for unborn children.!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More Problems with Health Care....

The push for Health Care continues and we must again state ABORTION IS NOT HEALTH CARE. Abortion and contraceptive funding should not be included in any Health Care Plan. Pennsylvania Citizens should contact Senator Robert Casey and let him know that we do not want abortion & contraceptive services included in a Health Care Plan. To contact Senator Case please visit:

Monday, May 25, 2009

Common Ground?

The Philadelphia Inquirer asked the Pro-Life Union to write our response to President Obama's call for Common Ground at Notre Dame last Sunday. We are grateful to the Inquirer for allowing us to be able to share our thoughts & vision for true common ground. We appreciate your comments on this post and also please read the piece from Planned Parenthood as well and share your thoughts! Read the complete text of Obama's speech at E-mail Edel Finnegan at

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Great New Adoption Ad is a project of the Fidelis Center for Law and Policy, an organization founded in 2008 to educate Americans on the "critical issues in the public policy arena." Brian Burch, president of, pointed out that "our ad is making people stop and think. We are convinced that we can make a big difference with this ad campaign." "We must remember that being right isn't enough. We must find new methods and new ways to express the eternal truths, to new audiences. We are seizing this historic moment with a powerful message to defend the sanctity of human life," concluded Burke.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Planned Parenthood - Do they need our money?

Once again, Kathryn jean Lopez articulates precisely why we should not be funding Planned parenthodo and why we need to ask more questions about where are money is going.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Planned Parenthood's Money

Planned Parenthood's abortion numbers keep increasing and yet we continue to fund a company in the business of killing children. Why?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Are condoms really reliable? No...

These statistics are truly frightening. Condoms can fail and when they do, so does disease.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Harvard and the Pope on Condoms & Aids

While the mainstream media criticize and blame the Pope for the AIDS epidemic, this article from National Review takes a different view. AIDS can only end when we people begin to respect their sexuality and other persons, seeing them as persons made in the image and likeness of God.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stem Cells

President Obama is happily paying back those ardent anti-life friends who helped him get elected. He is the most pro-abortion, anti-life President and is now giving money to research that doesn't work, and taking money away from research that has produced actual cures -- adult stems cells.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Legacy of Planned Parenthood

Considering the background of Planned Parenthood & Margaret Sanger, shouldn't we reconsider our funding of this group? PP is a business making its money from the pain and suffering of women who lose their child to abortion. Why are taxpayers funding an organization that is racist at its roots?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Embryo Research

Sadly, it seems President Obama is preparing to allow Federal Funding for research on human embryos. Do we really want to live in a society that uses tiny human persons to "cure" diseases? The truth is that no disease has been cured through embryo research, but over 75 diseases have been treated using ADULT stem cells. Clearly, President Obama is being led by anti-life partisans. We pray and hope he will listen to the truth about embryo research and respect human dignity.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bishop Martino - Right Again!!

Friday February 6, 2009 Bishop Martino Warns "Pro-Life" Sen. Casey to Rescind Abortion Vote or Else be Complicit in "Hideous Evil" SCRANTON, Pennsylvania, Februrary 6, 2009 ( - In a letter to Sen. Robert P. Casey, the bishop of Scranton Pennsylvania, Joseph F. Martino, strongly condemned the Pennsylvania Democrat's vote against an amendment reinstating the Mexico City Policy in spite of the senator's claim to be "pro-life." “Your vote against the Mexico City Policy will mean the deaths of thousands of unborn children," wrote Bishop Martino. "This is an offense against life and a denial of our Catholic teaching on the dignity of every human being. This action is worthy of condemnation by all moral men and women.” The Martinez Amendment to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) would have reinstated the Mexico City Policy that disallowed U.S. taxpayer funding of international abortion-promoting organizations before President Obama struck it down Jan 23. The amendment was defeated in a vote of 60-37. In his letter, Bishop Martino condemned Sen. Casey’s vote against the Martinez amendment which would have prevented “over 450 million dollars of American foreign aid ... [from going] to organizations that are militant in promoting abortion as a method of population control, particularly in countries that find abortion objectionable on moral grounds.” The bishop also urged Sen. Casey, a Catholic who has touted a strong pro-life identity, to rescind the vote. “Your failure to reverse this vote will regrettably mean that you persist formally in cooperating with the evil brought about by this hideous and unnecessary policy,” said the bishop. A release issued by Sen. Casey’s office the day after the vote said that “Restrictions on the federal funding of abortions are in place both domestically and overseas." The release cited the Helms amendment, which disallows foreign aid from paying for abortions directly. Bishop Martino’s letter pointed out that the Helms Amendment does not restrict recipients from using their own money to provide abortions, and does not deny money to organizations that lobby to dismantle the legal protections for unborn children in foreign governments, as the Mexico City Policy had done. The bishop commented on the irony of the Senate having voted down the amendment the same day it signed legislation granting greater access to health insurance for children. "What hypocrisy offers health insurance to children in one part of the world when children in another part will be deprived, by the stroke of the same pen, of their first breath?" wrote Martino. "I recognize and respect the burdens that you bear as a United States Senator; however, I remind you that your responsibilities as a Catholic bound by the faith of the Church exceed even those of your office." URL:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The new administration & the unborn

A new, anti-life administration will be installed today in our Country. Pro-life people must keep fighting for the sanctity of life despite the unfriendly forces we face in our government. Father Euteneuer of HLI has written a great piece with sound advice on how to fight the good fight!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Prevention First

Take Action Against The Abortion Industry Bailout Bill “The Prevention First Act” The pro-abortion leadership in the U.S. Congress has introduced S.B. 21, the “Prevention First Act.” This bill would cause great harm and has a realistic chance of passing Congress and being signed by President Obama. The Bill is an immediate threat to women and children and will worsen the Culture of Death. This proposed legislation assaults the rights of healthcare providers by • requiring all health insurance plans to cover oral contraceptives and other abortifacient drugs and devices despite the massive harm these drugs do to women • requiring all hospitals that receive federal funds distribute the abortifacient “Morning After Pill” to any woman who states that she was raped. • providing billions of additional dollars in federal funding to the abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, for “family planning”” including the distribution of dangerous drugs and condoms to minors with no parental involvement. The “Prevention First Act” is an assault on • developing unborn children • the health of women and children • the conscience rights of pro-life healthcare workers • the rights of parents to direct the healthcare of their minor children Contact our U.S. Senators from PA and urge them to oppose S.B. 21, the Prevention First Act U.S. Senate Washington DC 20510 Robert Casey (202) 224-6324 email; Arlen Specter (202) 224-4254 email: