
Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Health Care Battle

In the wake of the defeat of the Nelson Amendment on Dec. 8, 2009 defeating cloture has become the only viable way for the pro-life movement to defeat this abortion-laden HCR bill in the U.S. Senate. While we might defeat cloture without Casey’s vote against cloture, obtaining his vote would almost certainly defeat cloture. Also, while Casey’s preliminary indications are that he is not inclined to oppose cloture over the “abortion issue,” he claims to be “pro-life” and has cast some pro-life votes on this HCR legislation. Thus, it is most crucial and worthwhile to make some renewed efforts to persuade Sen. Casey to oppose cloture. Please call Senator Csaey at 215-405-9660 and tell him to Vote no on "cloture"

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