
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Prevention First

Take Action Against The Abortion Industry Bailout Bill “The Prevention First Act” The pro-abortion leadership in the U.S. Congress has introduced S.B. 21, the “Prevention First Act.” This bill would cause great harm and has a realistic chance of passing Congress and being signed by President Obama. The Bill is an immediate threat to women and children and will worsen the Culture of Death. This proposed legislation assaults the rights of healthcare providers by • requiring all health insurance plans to cover oral contraceptives and other abortifacient drugs and devices despite the massive harm these drugs do to women • requiring all hospitals that receive federal funds distribute the abortifacient “Morning After Pill” to any woman who states that she was raped. • providing billions of additional dollars in federal funding to the abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, for “family planning”” including the distribution of dangerous drugs and condoms to minors with no parental involvement. The “Prevention First Act” is an assault on • developing unborn children • the health of women and children • the conscience rights of pro-life healthcare workers • the rights of parents to direct the healthcare of their minor children Contact our U.S. Senators from PA and urge them to oppose S.B. 21, the Prevention First Act U.S. Senate Washington DC 20510 Robert Casey (202) 224-6324 email; Arlen Specter (202) 224-4254 email:

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