
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Defund PP - Contact Your Rep.

Another great piece by Michelle Malkin. She gives a real picture of Planned Parenthood. Whatever we can do to stop PP should be done! Currently, there are two pieces of legislation that are critical to the pro-life cause. HR 217: Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act. This would prohibit agencies like PP from receiving federal family planning funds. Who hasn't signed on as a co-sponsor in our area? If you see his name below, please contact and ask him to co-sponsor. Charles Dent: 202-225-6411 James Gerlach: 202-225-4315 Tim Holden: 202-225-5546 Mike Fitzpatrick: 202-225-4276 Patrick Meehan: 202-225-2011 HR 3: No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. Would prohibit tax-payer funding of abortion. Who hasn't signed onto this piece of legislation? If your rep's name appears, contact him today! Patrick Meehan: 202-225-2011 Charles Dent: 202-225-6411 Tim Holden: 202-225-5546

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Question of Life & Law

We encourage DA Seth Williams to do all he can to prosecute Gosnell. This article poses an important question one that we ask as well, "In the Gosnell prosecution, Philadelphia district attorney R. Seth Williams has a choice. Does he go forward with the 33 counts of “illegal late-term abortion” (a fraction of the actual number of such abortions Gosnell performed, but all that can be solidly proven under a two-year statute of limitations) — as well as the eight murder charges? Or does he quietly drop them?