
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Contraception is the Issue.

Contraception is the issue!

Please read this article from Catholic Exchange written by Pete Colosi. The discussion and debate should be about Religious Freedom, but it also must address the issue of contraception. Contraception is not healthcare. It violates our dignity, harms the health of women and its promotion has hurt the family.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Urgent Action Required.

Please visit for detailed information on the HHS Mandate.

In order to correct the threat to Religious Liberty, the Respect for Rights of Conscience act has been introduced in Congress (HR 1179, S 1467) Please contact our local area Reps and urge them to cosponsor these measures or contact them and thank them for protecting our freedom.

Local area Reps who should be thanked:

Senator Patrick Toomey

Phone: 202. 224.4254

Mike Fitzpatrick

Phone: 202. 225-4276

Pat Meehan

Phone: (202) 225-2011

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Great Article on Planned Parenthood

"Planned Parenthood has spent millions fighting even those legislative initiatives that command extremely wide public support, such as laws requiring parental notification and informed consent for abortions, and those banning late-term abortions when the child developing in the womb is fully viable. Planned Parenthood even opposes a bill recently introduced in Congress to ban abortions for the purpose of sex selection."

Friday, January 27, 2012

More on the Contraceptive Mandate

Citizens should question why Obama Adminstration has chosen to engage in this war against religious freedom?  That is the reality of what is happening.   The Catholic Church, in particular, is being targeted.  This Adminsitration is committed to teh Culture of Death and they continue to affirm that allegiance to the Culture of Death. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

An attack on Life and on Faith

Once again the Obama Administration renews its commitment to the Culture Of Death.  At the same time, the administration is engaging in a war against religion.  The latest ruling from HHS basically will force the Catholic Church to violate its consciences.  2012 will prove to be an interesting and challenging year for pro-life Christians.