
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Health Care Reform?

Please Urge Sen. Casey To Oppose The Pro-Abortion “Health Care Plans" All of the “Health Care Plans” currently before Congress would - force all private health insurance plans and a newly created federal health insurance plan to pay for all abortions - create a de facto “federal right to abortion,” i.e., be a de facto enactment of the “Freedom of Choice Act” - eliminate all existing federal and state conscience protections for doctors and other healthcare workers who refuse to participate in abortions. These “Health Care Plans” would punish such doctors and other healthcare workers by eliminating their access to patients. For additional information on the evils of these “Health Care Plans,” visit or, or contact our office. A viable way to stop these plans is by a filibuster in the U.S. Senate. Sen. Casey’s support for such a filibuster would almost certainly guarantee its success. Please Contact Sen. Casey As Soon As Possible Please contact U.S. Sen. Robert P. Casey, Jr. as soon as possible and urge him to support a filibuster against any “Health Care Plan” unless it explicitly excludes coverage for abortion and protects the conscience rights of doctors and other healthcare workers. Please continue to contact Sen. Casey until he makes this commitment. Sen. Casey’s contact information is 383 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510; 202-224-6324 or 215-405-9660 or by e-mail by visiting We also recommend that you contact your local U.S. Rep. and Sen. Specter with this same message. The U.S. Capitol Switchboard is 202-224-3121. Nevertheless, we are emphasizing Sen. Casey because he claims to be “pro-life” and, because of the filibuster, only 41 votes in the U.S. Senate are needed to defeat these plans.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

More on Defunding PP

DE-Funding Planned Parenthood

We thank Rep. Mike Pence for his courage. Americans believe in the sanctity of Life and do not want their money to go to teh nation's largest abortion business in our country. Sadly, every year PP recieves Title X funding, and until this funding ceases, the abortion business will prosper.This action by Mike Pence is to be applauded. Please contact your Representative.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Obama & Company admit that abortion will be included in any Healthcare Reform Plan. Americans must fight this great injustice by letting public officials including the White House know that ABORTION is NOT Healthcare. To contact your PA Senators please visit

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Join the Pro-Life Union at Independence Hall. The Independence Hall Tea Party group is hosting a Picnic and The Union will be there to share the Pro-Life message with our fellow citizens. Come & join us from Noon until 3pm - We will have a display table with literature & items for distribution! This piece will inspire all of us to do our part to work to restore legal protection for unborn children.!