
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Contraception: The Root of the Culture of Death

We couldn't agree more with Mrs. Brown. Commentators have ignored the obvious fact that the acceptance of contraceptive sex has led to the destruction of marriage and ha shurt the family. How tragic that Catholics have accepted the contraceptive mentality and even more so that they've done so with impunity because of silence from their bishops and priests. We must continue to pray that our leaders speak more often and clearly on the evil of contraception.

Friday, August 27, 2010

More on the Stem Cell Debate

"to make the case that medicalresearch must proceed hand-in-hand with respect for life and human dignity."
We concur with this above statement. This intensive article explains how and why the Federal Courts got involved in the current debate over the use of human embryonic stem cells and the question of federal funding.It must be mentioned again that NO HUMANS have been cured of any disease with the use of stem cells from human embryos, while many persons have had their disease cured or pain mitigated by using ADULT STEM CELLLS.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A model for Pennsylvania

Abortion facilities are basically unregulated. While abortions are performed daily on women, these "clinics" are not held to the same standard as other medical clinics. In the interest of women's heath it is critical that PA begin to oversee the abortion business. Read about Virgina's plan to control the unregulated abortion industry.