
Monday, March 22, 2010

Funding the destruction of human life

How incredibly tragic that Bart Stupak and the other "pro-life" democrats caved under pressure from the Speaker and the President. Do not be fooled, this legislation is an expansion of abortion and will fund the destruction of human life by paying for abortions. This 'health care' legislation is also ceding control of your health to the government. It defies the principles of solidarity & subsidiarity. Truly tragic!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The business of abortion...

Many have learned the horrible story of the abortionist in West Philadelphia. His "Clinic" was recently closed, his medical liscense suspended. While the mainstream media has been covering the story in depth they have often failed to ask the right questions about the abortion industry. The Inquirer chose not to include the pro-life perspective of this case in the linked story , so please visit our Website at to read our letter to The Inquirer.