
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Abortion Business

Yes, abortion is a business. So calle doctors make money by destroying the lives of unborn children and hurting their mothers. Look at Planned Parenthood's profits. More abortions, less adoptions.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Defund Planned Parenthood

Pro-lifers - Contact your representative. Tell them, tell everyone - DeFund Planned Parenthood.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Pro-Life movement gains ground in the Election.

Here in PA we are celebrating. It wasn't a perfect night but even the pro-life candidates that did not win, gained ground on their highly funded opponents. Tom Corbett and Pat Toomey both believe in the sanctity of life and will support pro-life policies. Mr. Corbett has stated that Chris Christie of New Jersey will be his model. First step - DEFUND Planned Parenthood.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Planned Parenthood - letting the truth out!!

Planned Parenthood once again celebrating 'birth control' as good federal policy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One Week!!!

This Election is vitally important for the pro-life cause. Get involved, get others involved and most importantly get others out to vote on Tuesday Nov. 2nd!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Truth from the Wall Street Journal

Yet another study confirming the link between artificial hormones and breast cancer. This article along with others fails to ask a most important question? The same hormones contained in the HRT that caused an increase in cancers and death from cancers, are in the birth control pill that young women take daily. Why are we denying the link between the Pill and breast cancer?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Feminist Groups on the Attack

Another great article from Miss Lopez at National Review. Why do so called "women's rights" groups act as if abortion is the definition of what women need?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Obama Care

We were promised that our Healthcare would change only for the better. Not really. Read this article from National Review explaining how the best Healthcare system in the world is changing and not for the better. Vote this November for candidates who protect life & our Healthcare.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Good News - PP in NJ closing.

Tax-payers should not be funding the abortion industry. Our elected officials should follow the lead of Gov. Christie and stop using money to prop up an industry responsible for the hurting women and killing children

Friday, September 17, 2010

When change is good!!!

In less than 6 weeks, pro-life people will have the opportunity to elect officials who respect the sanctity of life. The mainstream media and others often say that conservative, pro-life candidates cannpt win general elections. Let's show them this November how wrong they are - Get Involved!!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Contraception: The Root of the Culture of Death

We couldn't agree more with Mrs. Brown. Commentators have ignored the obvious fact that the acceptance of contraceptive sex has led to the destruction of marriage and ha shurt the family. How tragic that Catholics have accepted the contraceptive mentality and even more so that they've done so with impunity because of silence from their bishops and priests. We must continue to pray that our leaders speak more often and clearly on the evil of contraception.

Friday, August 27, 2010

More on the Stem Cell Debate

"to make the case that medicalresearch must proceed hand-in-hand with respect for life and human dignity."
We concur with this above statement. This intensive article explains how and why the Federal Courts got involved in the current debate over the use of human embryonic stem cells and the question of federal funding.It must be mentioned again that NO HUMANS have been cured of any disease with the use of stem cells from human embryos, while many persons have had their disease cured or pain mitigated by using ADULT STEM CELLLS.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A model for Pennsylvania

Abortion facilities are basically unregulated. While abortions are performed daily on women, these "clinics" are not held to the same standard as other medical clinics. In the interest of women's heath it is critical that PA begin to oversee the abortion business. Read about Virgina's plan to control the unregulated abortion industry.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Why are we sending money to Planned Parenthood & friends?

Pro-life Americans are deeply concerned about tax-dollars being directed towards ant-life organizations. Planned Parenthood and Co. offer no real support to families in need, they only offer abortion and contraception. Tax payer dollars should not be used to fund groups that hurt women, children and families.

Friday, April 30, 2010

God bless the Irish!!

The Irish have stayed strong in their opposition to abortion. This love & respect for Life has allowed Ireland to escape the coming demise of Europe. May they remain Pro-Life.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Family Matters

The family is the most critical unit of society. This article addresses the recent headlines celebrating the declining birthrate.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Funding the destruction of human life

How incredibly tragic that Bart Stupak and the other "pro-life" democrats caved under pressure from the Speaker and the President. Do not be fooled, this legislation is an expansion of abortion and will fund the destruction of human life by paying for abortions. This 'health care' legislation is also ceding control of your health to the government. It defies the principles of solidarity & subsidiarity. Truly tragic!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The business of abortion...

Many have learned the horrible story of the abortionist in West Philadelphia. His "Clinic" was recently closed, his medical liscense suspended. While the mainstream media has been covering the story in depth they have often failed to ask the right questions about the abortion industry. The Inquirer chose not to include the pro-life perspective of this case in the linked story , so please visit our Website at to read our letter to The Inquirer.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Too Many Aborted

In Philadelphia, in 2008 39% of children conceived were aborted. Almost half of black children are aborted in our City -- these numbers are horrific.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Superbowl Ad

It is amazing to watch so-called "pro-choice" women as they denounce another women for choosing life. Tim Tebow's mom Pam rejected abortion despite her doctor's encouragement for such a choice. Pro-abortion groups are furious that CBS is allowing Pam Tebow to share her story and inspire all of us. This hypocrisy is exactly why pro-life groups refuse to call our thsoe on teh other side anything other than what they truly are "pro-abortion."

Monday, January 4, 2010

No Recession for Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood reports another banner year. Planned Parenthood is a business rooted in taking advantage of scared women and destroying their children and their lives. Let your fellow tax-payers know how corrupt this group is and complain to your Representatives that you don't want your tax money going to support their agenda.