
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thank God for the Pro-Life Dems

In the face of what will likely be a bitter David and Goliath struggle, Stupak told LSN, "Well, we're under a lot of pressure, but it goes with the territory." He added that several dozen of his Democrat colleagues have upheld the pro-life cause as "a principle we've always stood on, and we're not ready to drop that principle now in the name of health care."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Abortion is not Healthcare!

Federal Health Care Our families are at risk…. Senator Casey needs to hear from you. Call Sen. Casey now - 215-405-9660 ABORTION IS NOT HEALTHCARE!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Truth about Abortion & Health Care

Kathryn Jean Lopez, of National Review, cuts through the rhetoric and points out that unles abortion is excluded from any Health Care Reform Plan, it will be included. Taxpayers will pay for abortions. Pro-Life people must fight back against this abuse - Call Senator Casey - ask him to exclude abortion from Health Care Reform.

Friday, October 9, 2009

More new on the Pill

The Pill has changed us and hurt our society. Isn't time for doctors and women to re-evaluate how hormonal contraceptives are effecting our bodies?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Root of Abortion

This great article explores the underlying cause of abortion - the sexual revolution. Pro-Life Americans understand that a return to chastity - purity in thoughts, words & actions - is critical to the success of our movement.