
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rescue them from Death.

(Inspring words from a local pro-life leader) The thoughts of his heart last through every generation;that He will rescue them from death & feed them in time of famine. (Ps 33:11-19) Who is He? What thoughts? How does He rescue & feed? Some say prayer alone is the answer. Taken literally from Ask and it shall be given, it sounds like it fits. But wait, are we not His hands, His voice? What does clothe the naked, feed the hungary, visit the imprisoned ask us to do if prayer alone is the answer to every situation? One then, ought not to be separated from the other. ORA ET LABORA is corect - PRAY & WORK. As we follow Jesus in life, should we not use His example of pryaer & action. He asks His Father for protection of His followers and then lays His hands on the blind & lame. We must use His lead in this time & place. To sit home & pray for an end to teh scourge of child killing may be rsserved for the sick and elderly, but our own hans are not cripples, our legs are not broken. We must come to the public square, to the abortion mill, to the misdirected young of today. we must act after preparing ourselves sacramentally. For Catholics Mass , and the Eucharist is crucial. Please join otehr pro-lifers at a weekly prayer Vigil.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pornography -Mainstreamed?

Pornography's damaging effects on families, women and society becomes more evident each day. This great peace by Mona Charen in National Review explains how pornography is being mainstreamed and why we must all fight this problem.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Abortion & Slavery

A great piece about Abortion, Slavery & the Republican Party! >